Thursday, 15 August 2013

High Summer Painting 1 and 2

oil on board 8*10 and below 11*14
These paintings show how I was able to go back and repaint the scene

I found this scene off Highway 112,
I was early after noon and this was a tough painting as I needed to get the light right.
I pushed and pushed and then the light changed and I added the green field. eek. fluffed it.
So I have to go back and went in the morning to this other painting below.

This one below is a 11*14. I did a lot of reordering to get a better flow
and I removed a couple of fields that really didn't need to be there.
and I changed the angle of trees to suit the painting and it worked a lot better.
With a different light it made the Painting more interesting.

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