Friday, 25 February 2011


6*6 Oil on Board

I think I need some better editing software for these paintings,
I usually colour correct them, then post them. For some
reason this one turns to the brown more than the red.
Painting small items can get a bit finicky
as you want to put down detail,
not too much, just enough to be interesting to look at.

Thursday, 24 February 2011

Button No.1

Oil on board 6*6

With this painting I wanted to see how light I could go
and still have dark and light,
warm and cool, it was a bit tough.

Valentines Candy

Oil on Gesso Board 6*6

Well I have been meaning to paint this for a long time,
you can see all my brush marks on this one I think the sun hit it
sideways when I was taking the picture.

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

11*14 oil on board
I painted this last summer, I had painted a 8*10 then
I painted this one from it.
The grass was originally green but I changed it
to warm it up and compliment
the red barn.

Thursday, 10 February 2011

Bright day

8*10 Oil on Board
I just wanted to experiment a little with this one I had been to a painter,
who loves colour and I thought that I would give it a go.
Neil Patterson is the name of the painter you can see
his work at his website

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

My favourite Jam

6*6 oil on board
Painting Glass I realize now is pretty tough.
What colour is the glass, I had to just squint and trust what I saw.

Daily Painters Challenge

I'm back,
New year, New stuff.
This was a challenge as I am really rusty, so it was hard to get a little square done in ten minuets. I did go over 1 min or 30 seconds, but by the last painting, I was able to finish it under 10 Min's yahoo.