Saturday, 23 February 2008

Near Turner Valley

oil on board 6*8

I drove around and got to Turner valley and knew that I had gone too far, I kind of get this nagging feeling, so I turned around and drove back up the road to Calgary, then I noticed this road I hadn't been to before, it said Dead end, the best ones are Dead Ends. So idrove all the way up and mmm didn't see much turned around and then came back and saw this scene which I have liked before but didn't have the skills at the time to paint it.

Snow Shadows

oil on board 8*10
I went out to this place I remembered last year in my travels, These little red huts stuck in the middle of nowhere with numbers on them. I liked the shadows and wanted a have a go at painting them and the Snow, which I knew to be tricky.

Friday, 8 February 2008

Snow Storm

Oil on Board 6*8

Well I got out today and I painted in the snow storm, Yehaa.
While I was driving with my car it was white out conditions partly because my windscreen ( windshield ) iced up on the inside and the side windows too, I was driving like an italian grandma looking through the defrosted section between the steering wheel.

I tried first to get to Fishcreek park but went round in circles, so I decided to go to South Glenmore Park instead. I was going to paint at the side of my van with the door open but the snow kept blowing so I huddled over my steering wheel and painted looking through the front window.

I liked the challenge of this painting , I did learn a couple of things painting it so that's good. See what happens next.

Wednesday, 6 February 2008

My first Outdoor painting this year. Yehaa

Oil on Board 7*9

At last I got out, I kinda got tired of me making excuses that it is as cold as the north pole outside and that I got tired of doing still life's all the time, so I went outside I could feel the excuse machine start to ramp up in my mind but I quashed it.

I made a plan to goto this place I liked which I knew wasn't too far away anyway, I was all over the place with this painting, but I did like doing it because I said I would and I did. The paint got really cold and sticky so that it got hard to push around the board.

When I got home I went to clean up my mess on my painting box and I looked around for my brushes that I used, I couldn't find them. So I guess I will have to go back and get them where I hopefully left them, Hopefully I didn't put them on the roof, done that before.