I have had a lot of time at last to myself and reevaluating my painting and having the pleasure of actually building something for myself. Me Boat, I did have a few problems I added the sealent without squishing it flat on the side, I let it dry, then it hardend into lumpy mess. So when it comes for me to fix the trim it wont fit, it is too knobbly, urrgg.
So I had to peel off the sides and then cut off the stuff and start again, only on the front bow and aft, so when I have finnished the trim I will reseal it with the sealent, buy some styrofoam and put it under the seats and take some silicone sealent with me on our first day of launch and lots of bubble gum incase the sealent doesn't work.
This is my one of my Favourite artists work, John Moyers
I admire John Moyers work he paints local scenes alla Plein Air here in the Rockies.
http://www.claggettrey.com is where you can find his work.
I really like his use of his Greys, he puts down that heavy paint and just leaves it there. Here is some of his work.