Thursday 29 May 2008

Spring Glory

Oil on board 8*10
I let Zoe' name this painting, I found this at the last place I painted and I wanted to go back and paint it, I have even found another painting at the same scene, which is a bonus.

Wednesday 28 May 2008

Times past

Oil on Board 7*9

Here is a barn I saw yesterday, I tried to paint yesterday but I was falling asleep behind the wheel. So I thought I should go home. or crash the car. So I saw this a few times on my way to my stomping grounds and I thought I could paint it.

I think I have done only two or three building paintings. It is a lot different than drawing them which I could do in a breeze but when it come to putting on this runny stuff, it gets a bit tougher and if you dither with your strokes it really shows.

Thursday 22 May 2008

Stormy Sky over K country

Oil on Board 6*8

I saw the clouds and rain clear up where I lived and rushed to K country, I was trying to find somthing else, this painting worked out better. We have a lot of green just showed up this past week, and that has brightened things a whole lot.

I think there is a lot of optical illusions going on with the mountains. They appear so big in the city and then they shrink as you drive to them get to the crest of the hill and they get big again. It's strange.

Saturday 17 May 2008

Painting near millarville

Oil on board 9*12

Here is the original painting 9*12, I have used a lot alizarian Red with the blue that is why it is quite dark, proberly too dark

Here it is cropped to show more of the sky which I liked to paint, I wanted the best of both worlds and I got too much so I need to watch having too many points of interest. Lots of sky and ground. normally a sky painting has ground that will take up an 1/6 th of the size of painting and the rest sky. or if you can somehow get the ground to reach up to the sky plane then it would work.

And the finial crop which is a simple painting more on one side of the other, it works because it takes you back into the painting, so I have to be a little greyer, less punchy in the darks and not so bright colours.

This one feels like what I wanted to paint, it is a stronger composition and takes you into the painting and out again so the eye naturally flows around the painting.

Monday 12 May 2008

Highway X22

Oil on Board 8*10
I have wanted to paint the mountains for such a long time and everytime I try they have been shrouded in mist or snow. I wanted to try a Mountain cloud thing, small mountains lots of clouds. I tried and I ended up with a frisbee, the clouds went by too fast and a storm front moved in. So I sat in the side of my car and put the tripod outside and painted, I was pelted a few times with hail, it was great.

Millerville sky

Oil on Board 8*10

I have driven past this site several times on the way to other places and I have always like the qualities of the place.

Prairie Sky

Oil on Board 10*12

This past month of april was a bit of a wash out for me as we had Snowstorms rain and all types of weather.
Here are three paintings I was able to complete.